Saturday, December 26, 2009

Olive Ogden

Olive was born 28 December 1913 in Richfield, Utah. She was blessed by William Ogden 1 February 1914; baptized by her father, Walter M. Ogden 1 January 1922 and confirmed by Frank M. Ogden the same day. She graduated from Richfield High School 29 April 1932. Olive attended BYU from 1933-1934. She married Dwain John Pearson 5 September 1934 in the Salt Lake temple with sealing performed by Joseph Christensen.

"Olive was very opposite in complexion to her older sister, having a lot of very dark hair. Born on Sunday morning at seven. A rather fiery disposition in her young and adolescent years, but one of the most loveable of daughters, mothers, and wives that one could want to know and a very fine Latter-day Saint woman. Olive won a prize at a beauty contest when she was eight months old. She is a very beautiful lady with dignity where it is needed. But can let down her hair and have a real fun time with family or friends. She was an accomplished seamstress very early, making her own and some of her sisters clothes at fifteen. She loved the outdoors and helped her father do many things on the ranch in the summer times. She loved riding around the sheep and cattle."

Mary Olive Ross Ogden

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