Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Memories of Mary Jane Ogden Kloepfer

Jack Kloepfer (son)

These are two of my most powerful memories, and are a big part of the driving forces behind the way I do things.

When Dad died, and Mom was faced with liquidating the business for some much needed cash, she could have just gone with the bid from the auctioneering company. She thought she could do better. She did. We sat in the office up there on the end of center street, and licked stamps and stuffed envelopes. Apparently she found a mailing list, and she made easily twice what the auction company promised her, and there was no commission to anyone.

What this taught me was that we need to analyze situations, we need to think things through, and we do not need to purchase someone else's reality of how things should be. More that that, we can become more than is expected of us with just a little bit more effort.

One more thing. I hold my mom's ethics in the highest regard. When her lawyer said that she could sue the beach craft company and get a bunch of money, Mom came to the conclusion that this would probably ruin her life, and probably her children's life's as well. She had some real convictions back then. Those were not easy decisions. She did make the right ones for herself and for her family. I will always be grateful to her that she could let go. On the big things that really had an impact on us. She was impeccable. It was all about love. Thanks Mom.

Mom the world was your oyster, and you cracked it open in a big way.

Linda Kloepfer (daughter-in-law) - David's wife

"The Spirit of the Fourth"

This would be the perfect time to thank you for a special moment that happened many years ago. The occasion was the Fourth of July when you and Grandma Ogden came for a visit. We went downtown with Cash and Peter to see the parade early in the day. I remember watching the parade go by, cheering as the floats rolled past us and helping the boys gather tossed candy. What made this moment. I was sharing it with 4 generations of family. I felt honored to be there with all of you. Thank you for sharing your family with me.

Happy Birthday and a big Birthday hug!

Molly Hubbard (granddaughter)

Memories of Grandma Mary:

She was my "black grandma" because she had black hair while the other grandma had white hair. People were startled by my insistence that I had a black grandma when they were just sure I was a white child.

Grandma taught me about candy that was called a "sugar tit" and I shocked all of the people in a boutique by singing "grandma is a sugar tit" over and over while shopping with my mom.

I used to play on her bed in the Logan house and try to balance the low hanging round lamp on my head and dance in circles. Grandma would say Who's that diddlin' in my lamp?!" and I would laugh and laugh.

I would ask her "Where's Papa?" after Grandpa Eldon died, but I learned to stop because it made her cry.

I was fascinated by her built in closet at the Logan house. There was a pink heart shaped candy box in there that I loved to play with. I loved to eat grandma's Cowboy Eggs. I loved her dog Fanny the beagle.

As an adult I have realized how brave Grandma Mary is - in so many ways she is a better woman than I could ever hope to be. Happy Birthday Grandma, I love you so much!

Nancy Hess (daughter)

Happy Birthday Mom!

I want to thank you for the gift you gave me when you taught me to laugh at myself and enjoy the moment.

I'm remembering how much fun we had with the little red power boat that you had. You drove while we water skied behind. Even though you were deathly afraid of the water you jumped in and did a bit of skiing yourself. When I rode the banana boat the other day I thought of you and knew that you would have got on for the ride too.

What a great time we had traveling. Paris, Prague, Guatemala, Bear Lake, and of course - Mexico! Remember the time when you came to visit us in Germany and you, me and Kelly (18 months old) in a umbrella stroller got on a train and went to Berchtesgaden for a long weekend. We didn't have reservations or a plan but ended up in the hotel room where Heinrich Himmler (old Nazi general) had lived. We found a daycare for Kelly and took off exploring Bavaria. We had to improvise and take the opportunities that came our way. Your charm and good looks got us by and we had experiences no one else would have had if we had planned and taken a tour.

You have always been a very strong, independent person. When Dad was alive he was gone for a week or two on jobs. When the disposal got clogged you didn't call a plumber or wait for Dad to come home. Out came the plunger and tool box. We certainly inherited a legacy of fixing things ourselves.

What crazy, young woman would have met a guy while giving him an enema (in the hospital while in nurse's training) and married him six weeks later. Perhaps a passionate one.

Thanks for all your gifts - a sense of fun, daring, spontaneity, and passion.

Gailen Hess (son-in-law)

My earliest memory of Mary was of her tapping on the steamed up windows of my car as Nancy and I parked in front of the house. I was 16 years old and she invited us in. Since that first meeting, I have always felt at home in her home.

Kelly Hess (granddaughter)

Mike and I must have very similar upbrings because he voiced my feelings in his email. I must add that our adventure to Guatemala was another prime example of Grandma's spirit of adventure. Grandma followed us on a jungle boat on the border. She was all gooped up with sunscreen and mosquito spray. She hiked into the jungle to see some ruins in a million degrees with 100% humidity - I appreciate that now that I'm 40 and can’t imagine tolerating it at her age. She also called me a "wimp" for not being able to keep up with her shopping. I thought a lot about the legacy I have been left on my recent trip to Mexico and I feel so blessed to call you all family!

LOL Kelly

Michael Hess (grandson)

I guess I will be the first to mention the family reunion trip to Santa Barbara really my first experience with Grandma and her adventurous spirit. Boy did she pay dearly for that one! Other great memories are again, riding in the "Cadillac" down highway 89 singing "Big Rock Candy Mountain" and going to visit Great Grandma Ogden on our way to Kanab to see Uncle Dave, Aunt Linda, cousin Cash, and later, cousin Pete. We had such a great time singing, hearing all of Grandmas childhood stories she got shot ya' know. and teasing her the whole way. And last, but best of all, there was nothing that could compare to the electric atmosphere of Grandma's living room at Christmas time, presents all the way out to the door and cousin Scotty dressing up as Santa, waking up before the grownups went to bed from the party the night before and getting that first Atari!!!

Jill Koncar (daughter)


So many memories from childhood to present...but yet, the best and most rewarding times I have spent with Mom have been the last couple of years caring for her and having the luxury of spending a lot of time together. One really recent memory was in December while shopping in the candy aisle at the grocery store. The Christmas music playing overhead, Mom and I with our grocery carts, hers for balance and mine for the groceries, All of a sudden Mom bursts into song. "I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause". I turn to see her behind me coming down the aisle with her best as she can do dance behind the cart. It was immediately contagious. I I joined her and we entertained at least a dozen or so smiling customers. So like my mom to make others smile.

Annabelle Larsen (granddaughter)

My favorite memory of grandma is going to her house in Logan and waking up to the smell of coffee and toast.. then watching The Price is Right with her. Every time I went to grandma's house it had a smell.. it was usually turkey for the holidays.. we would drive up from Salt Lake.. usually through a blizzard and walk into the smell of great food.. but I loved the times It was just me and her watching The Price is Right, with Bob Barker!

Brian Larsen (grand son-in-law)

My best memory of Grandma was the first time I went to Mexico and shared a good dinner at Tonita's. We had such a good time!

Talia Larsen (great granddaughter)

I love my Great Grandma Mary. She always makes me very happy. She is very sweet and loving. She loves watching me and my brother play Karl Malone. I love doing special things for her and taking care of her, like rubbing her hands with lotion. She is the best!

Drake Larsen (great grandson)

I love her. She is nice to me. I like to see her at Sunrise and have lunch with her.

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