Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lori Cameron Duncan - (Phyllis' granddaugher) - memories of Phyllis

Jeri spent much more time with Grandma then I ever had a chance to spend with her. Jeri completed a master's degree in Geology at UCLA and lived not far from Grandma's apartment in Sherman Oaks during those 2 years. They both enjoyed the time together.

Grandma impressed me later with her "grit" and resourcefulness when the Northridge Quake hit the San Fernando Valley at 4:30 am in the morning of Jan 17, 1994. She had to crawl on her hands and knees out of her apartment in the pitch black darkness of the heavily damaged apartment building. All the neighbors helped each other as they had to "camp out" outside for fear the buildings would collapse. Grandma Phyllis told me that they all got each other through the ordeal.

We saw the frightening live video on television of the broken gas mains in flames and recognized the streets near Grandma's apartment. Police would not allow anybody to come into the area. Dad's good friend lived in West Covina at the time and was able to get in and retrieve Grandma. He went in to the building to get some of her things and brought her to his home. He went back with his sons and carried everything else he could out of her apartment.

Dad and I went up to take care of her and help her. She determined that it was time to start over in Albequerque and be near Rod after living so much of her life in the Los Angeles area. I think that showed a lot of her hallmark courage and heart.

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