Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Note to my Children

Tuesday Past Midnight

Dearest Ones on Earth -

Being sleepless, My thot turn to you all and your welfare and how I do appreciate you and the sunshine you have brot to our home. Eighteen years ago, girl wife started a home for a boy husband and thot we were happy but we didn’t know real happiness until

Anna – our firstborn, quiet unassuming little girl came to us. We have grown up together, your likes have been my likes and I have always desired to be your pal. You will soon fly away from the little home nest. Be strong, humble and prayerful in all you do.

Then Olive - our little black head who was always loving, alert, kind hearted tho sharp of tongue and a true follower of your older sister, cultivate cheerfulness in your heart, pure thots and kind words for all whom you come in contact with.

Phyllis – strong willed, determined, think right and nothing can change you, be sure you’re right then go ahead. You are a helpful little girl, clean little house keeper. Don’t find fault with sisters and brothers. God didn’t want you all alike, be patient and kind.

Ross – my first son you meant so much to me when you came at a time when the world was in turmoil, and it seemed as tho my companion in life might be compelled to cross the ocean to fight for our country and with three sisters you were a welcome boy. Be a true Ogden, strong of character, dare to do right and face the world with your convictions. You are a pattern for your younger brothers, don’t (?) set bad examples for them to follow. Be Honest, clean of mind refrain from using the things which make you cheap, tobacco and strong drinks. Be a good pal to your brothers.

Dale – a boy of strong convictions, ambitious tho rather hard to please at times, Be reasonable and put aside the sulky disposition it will not get you friends, but enemies direct your ambitions in the right way, take advise from those who know more than you, be kind to your sisters. Choose right and go forward.

Ted – quiet, patient, thinking little boy, many genius minds have been as unassuming as yours and never a sweeter disposition tho teasing had been hard on you and generally make you say the cross things you have said. Be a man strong of character as Daddy and grow straight with hands busy and not in pockets.

Mary Jayne – Little Blackie and Dorothy little Blondie. All the family have enjoyed your baby days and ways, your dirty faces and tousled heads and Big sisters have done much for you hope you will grow with kindness for them.

Some day in the far away years this little note may mean something to you all if not now. My love for you all is so great that I would lay down my life for you.


1 comment:

  1. Cathy, this is wonderful! So fun to read. And it sounds so much like Grandma! Thank you for what you are doing!!

    Marsha Saylors
